Monday, May 24, 2010

woke up and wrote a haiku

some days this world gives me such inspiration
from the moment i wake up in the morning..
saturday morning was one of those days..
i woke up around 6 am and love to open the curtains to
the sliding glass door by my bed early and lounge for awhile..
my wildflower garden is right outside that door, as i opened the curtains
this is what awaited me in the early morning dew..
inspired me to write haiku...

gentle, stealth and wise
she feasts upon my garden
early morning light

ahhhh i love mornings like this
i lounged with her outside my door
for awhile and then she wandered off
to feast on some other garden.

i will leave you with a thought of a tulip that was left in my garden...


  1. Wow, what a beautiful sight to wake up to! The only wildlife I wake up to lately are my kid! I hope you are doing well!!!

  2. I love that tulip picture! It is so vibrant!
