Monday, May 24, 2010

woke up and wrote a haiku

some days this world gives me such inspiration
from the moment i wake up in the morning..
saturday morning was one of those days..
i woke up around 6 am and love to open the curtains to
the sliding glass door by my bed early and lounge for awhile..
my wildflower garden is right outside that door, as i opened the curtains
this is what awaited me in the early morning dew..
inspired me to write haiku...

gentle, stealth and wise
she feasts upon my garden
early morning light

ahhhh i love mornings like this
i lounged with her outside my door
for awhile and then she wandered off
to feast on some other garden.

i will leave you with a thought of a tulip that was left in my garden...


sunday shutterbugs last weeks theme jagged

we hauled all these rocks and built a wall a few weeks ago.. very jagged looking...
a few chunks of marble also mixed in
since we have marble all over the yard,
from where the old rail cars
used to go thru our backyard years ago
and drop marble from the quarry
off into the river.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


walking thru life
color at my back
striving to get ahead
keeping my head intact..

nothing seems certain
colors are blurred
shades of grey
in my head for sure..

life is a mystery
let come what may
to unlock the colors
from shades of grey..


sunday shutterbugs theme for this week

my 3 nieces at the beach
took my camera one day and took
the most awesome photos of each other..
I treasure the artistic talent
in each and every photo they took.

Monday, May 3, 2010

spring snow

the spring storm came
silently in the middle of the night..
when i went to bed wed. night
i figured we would get a little snow
but not a foot...

i love to see my tulips and daffodils
poking out from fresh fallen snow..
but with a foot of fresh powder my daffodils didn't have a chance..
they were buried alive..
for 3 days buried..
when the snow started melting
they were still vibrant yellow
but just lying there limp...
i didn't have the heart to get that photo

the sun came out for a moment sat. afternoon
and i got some shots...
before it started snowing again
while the sun was shining...

the birds had just returned a few weeks ago
but not one in sight that morning..
as i drove out of the driveway..
the birds were all out on the road
scampering around trying to figure out
what was going on in their world..

i love the snow
but i had to remind myself this weekend
to be patient with mother nature...
she is in charge..
and i have no say..
in what is going to fall..

i hear we are in for some sun this week...